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I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.

Oscar Wilde

The Drama Department focuses on rehearsed improvisation and text work. Students have the opportunity to develop characterisation as well as directing skills. 

The aim is to focus on the preparation / the process of developing drama as well as the performance and to give both equal status. Drama is taught for one lesson per week in Year 7 and 8 and is currently taught on a carousel in Year 9. Students also have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities to further develop their interest in performance. The Lower School Drama Club put on performances in the Autumn and Summer Terms.

KS3 Drama

The Drama Department focuses on rehearsed improvisation and text work. Students have the opportunity to develop characterisation as well as directing skills.  The aim is to focus on the preparation / the process of developing drama as well as the performance and to give both equal status. Drama is taught for one lesson per week in Year 7 and 8 and is currently taught on a carousel in Year 9. Students also have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities to further develop their interest in performance. The Lower School Drama Club put on performances in the Autumn and Summer Terms.

A selection of projects / subjects studied is listed below:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Shakespeare’s Roman Plays




Greek Myths

The Way West – The Oregon Trail

The Tempest

The Diary of Anne Frank


Teenage Runaway

Eyam – Plague Village

African Project – Story telling




Shakespeare’s Warrior Women

End of KS3 Drama Examination

Student led Leadership project


KS4 Drama 

Drama GCSE

The course is EDEXCEL GCSE Drama.

The course focuses upon both improvisation / devising and text work. Students are expected to learn lines and contribute to rehearsed performances that will be developed during lesson times but will be shown to outside audiences as part of their coursework.

Candidates have to study one modern play (post-2000) and one pre-1954 play. Students will also have the opportunity to explore the technical aspects of performance and are expected to attend field visits to the Southbank (the National Theatre and the Globe), Covent Garden and the West End.

Visits to the theatre are part of the course and form part of the written examination. Although the course is largely practical it should be noted that the written component is a public examination forming 40% of the final grade.

The course is suitable for those students who enjoy performing and directing and are interested in all aspects of performance from lighting and sound to make up and costume design as well as developing critical analysis and evaluation skills.

Component 1 : Devising (component code: 1DR0/01)

Coursework: 40% of the qualification – 60 marks

  • ·     Create and develop a devised piece of drama from stimulus material
  • Performance of the devised piece
  • Evaluation of the devised piece – portfolio of 1500-2000 words
  • Internally assessed and externally moderated

Component 2: Performance from Text (component code: 1DR0/02)

Coursework : 20% of the qualification – 48 marks

  • Performance of two key extracts from a text
  • Centre choice of text
  • Group , paired or solo assessment
  • Externally assessed by visiting examiner

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice  (paper code: 1DR0/03)

Written examination: I hour and 30 minutes 

40% of the qualification – 60 marks

  • Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text:
  • Section A (45 marks). Choice of eight performance texts
  • Evaluation of a piece of Live Theatre – free choice of production: Section B (15 marks)
  • Externally assessed


The Curriculum Deputy Headteacher, Ms J Foster, will be happy to supply further detail and more information if required.

Please contact her at or telephone 020 8363 3030.